Ministries, Departments & Agencies

©2024 Edo State Government

Rules and Regulations


The Functions of the Edo State Signage and Advertisement Agency shall be to:

  • Control outdoor structures to be used for signage and advertisements;
  • Issue licenses and permits for the construction and placement of outdoor structures in any part of the State;
  • Protect the environment from potential adverse impact from visual blights;
  • Control the number, size and location of outdoor structures;
  • Ensure that outdoor structures are soundly and carefully designed, erected, modified, maintained or removed when no longer in use to avoid potential damages to lives and property;
  • Ensure that outdoor structures are compatible with surrounding land uses and environment and further ensure the beatification of the immediate surrounding and vicinity of the advertisement;
  • Control the pasting and display of posters on public structures and highways;
  • Organise the procedure to regulate the ownership and operation of outdoor structures for the purpose of signage or advertisements under specific regulations as contained in this law;
  • Reject, revoke or modify a permit if found to be in violation of any of the provisions of this Law or the conditions for its grant;
  • Prepare and keep all records related to the issuance and denial of outdoor structures permit as well as appropriate general records;
  • Monitor and inspect through its Monitoring Unit any outdoor structure and verify its compliance with the Law; and
  • Establish a data-base of all the outdoor structures used for signage and advertisement, their owners and operators as well as their location and the reason for the operation;


Registration Permits

  • Every outdoor structure owned by a corporate entity shall be registered by its owner.
  • Such owner shall provide his registration number as a reference with application for a permit.
  • The information required for the outdoor structure and the application thereon are incorporated within the
  • Schedules to this law.
    Every registered outdoor shall have a registration code provided by the Agency.
  • No structure shall be erected without having its registration code being duly sealed or mounted on it.
  • The following structure shall require registration: Structures for free-standing portable signs including any sign on a standard, column or A-frame board fixed to its own self-contained base which may be moved manually or temporarily attached to a permanent free-standing sign;
  • Structures for billboards including any signage structure designed and intended to provide a leasing advertising copy area where the copy can be periodically replaced, typically by the use of pre-printed copy pasted or otherwise mounted onto the copy area;
  • Structures for billboards of the Spectacular’ type, that is those with over 20square metres of area;
  • Structures for roof sign including any sign which is entirely upon and above the roofline or parapet of a building.
  • Structures for a wall sign including any sign painted or posted on a wall;
  • Structures for furniture or statue type of sign including structures, kiosk supporting outdoor signage; and
  • Structures for temporary signs including any permitted, designed or intended to be displayed for a short period of time.
  • Any such sign shall be recorded using the form and the attachment referred to in the Schedules to this law.
    The permit required by the agency shall be issued upon the payment of the prescribed fees, and shall be renewed annually.
  • Each structure shall bear, at its base the registration number of the owners as well as the permit number of the structures.


Requirement to Register as Owner of a Structure:

“It shall be unlawful for any person to erect, construct, enlarge or structurally modify an outdoor structure or operate any structure or signage or advertisement without first being registered by the Agency”


Existing Outdoor Structures:

  • Owners and operators of existing structures shall complete and submit the prescribed pre-scrutiny and application forms with the Agency and apply for the permits required by this Law.
  • Where a structure which existed before this Law is not registered within a period of one month following the enactment of this Law, the Agency shall, with or without notice as it deems fit, direct the removal of same at the expense of the owner.
  • All existing structures which do not conform with the requirements of this Law shall be demolished at the expense of the owner.

The Code of Ethics is as follows:

To Our Advertisers

  • We are committed to providing the best possible outdoor advertising sites on a value-for-money basis within the markets in which we operate.
  • We observe an honest, ethical and professional approach to trading practices, media contracts and proof of performance.
  • We put genuine effort into providing services and support by way of research data, strategic planning, creative advice and production guidance to make the outdoor medium easy to evaluate, buy and utilize to maximum advantage.
  • We encourage the use of new technologies to continuously improve the service we provide to our advertiser clients.
  • We are committed to maintaining and improving the quality and appearance of site structures and locations to enhance their performance for advertisers.

To Our Industry

  • We support the principle of self regulation as administered by various responsible authorities operating in the advertising industry.
  • We acquire and negotiate for sites in a business-like and competitive fashion, observing all regulatory and planning permit requirements.
  • We operate, at all times, in a professional manner to maintain a positive attitude to the industry by advertisers, consumers and legislators.
  • We support outdoor advertising as a legitimate business to be practiced only in appropriately zoned areas.
  • We demand the right to maintain and continue with authorized outdoor advertising sites.
  • We support the right to reject advertising that is misleading, unethical, obscene or otherwise incompatible with industry and community taste and decency standards.

To Our Community

  • We are committed to providing an effective form of communication for goods or services of interest or benefit to the community
  • We share the public interest in the environment with regard to protecting natural scenic beauty, and parks, and we aim to locate our displays near populous areas as permitted by the Lagos State Structures for Signage and Advertisement Agency Law, 2006 (and its amendment thereto) and planning schemes.
  • We pledge and actively support community service and charity campaigns.
  • We are committed to and promote a program which endorses advertising that responsibly adheres to the Code of Ethics of the Outdoor Advertising Association of Nigeria (OAAN), the Advertiser Codes of Practice of the Advertising Practitioners Council of Nigeria (APCON) and the Outdoor Advertising Association of Nigeria (OAAN) and the interests of the community at large.
  • We are committed to excellence in the creative designs that we exhibit because we provide the most public ‘art gallery’ there is.